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[av_heading heading=’SUSANA RIVAS’ tag=’h3′ style=” size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ padding=’10’ color=” custom_font=”][/av_heading]

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Susana Rivas was born in El Salvador and migrated to Australia at the age of 14. Her art explores her Salvadoran cultural heritage within an Australian context, including critiquing social, political and environmental issues in both societies. Using the mediums of photography, drawing, collage and pyrography (the art of burning wood with specialised tools), her work explores her own identity, her connection to Indigenous cultures, human relationships with nature and human impact on the environment. Her approach is experimental and exploratory, giving a three dimensional characteristic to her photographic style. Her work has been part of a number of group exhibitions in New South Wales and Melbourne and has also been featured in the Hispanic channel Antena Hispana. She is currently completing the final year of her BFA in Fine Art Photography at RMIT University.

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